Peace prize you say?

10/09/2009 02:11:00 pm / The truth was spoken by Rich /

I do so love Barack Obama and I'm very glad that he's now in charge of the Galaxy, but I must say as I drink my moccachino latte de vert son croutte that I cain't for the life of me figure out what he's done to deserve the Nobel peace prize.

What on Earth goes on in those meetings? They gave it to Al Gore a couple of years ago cause he freaked people out with his movie about melting ice caps and thirsty polar bears, which to even an amateur environmentalist was clearly tenuous nonsense anyway, but what did it have to do with peace? Ghandi didn't win this prize, but Arafat did. Crazy.

Barack Obama is loved by state leaders and they all want him at their fancy do's, and his message of change in his own country was very powerful and moving and promising, but in terms of actually getting things done, actually getting world leaders to commit monies and soldiers to his ideas for fixing the wagons of the world's bad people, he's failed. Added to which he has decided to escalate a futile and pointless war in Afghanistan. He hasn't even managed to get Guantanamo Bay closed.

If all it takes to win this prize is fancy speeches and a cheeky grin I'm applying next year. You get a million bucks for this don't you? Can I apply or does someone have to email in on my behalf? I stopped a fight once and I don't ever play my music loud and I've stopped phoning Phil Brown at 3am and everything. That's got to be worth at least a place on the shortlist, maybe third place? Is it a book token for third or what?

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