So anyway yes..

11/02/2008 02:07:00 am / The truth was spoken by Rich /

So over the past few days I've tried most cold remedies. None of them work you know. I do quite like Night Nurse now though. I might carry on taking that even when I feel better. The rest of them are rubbish. You're better off just drinking water and sleeping.

I slept in my clothes last night as I was both too cold to remove them and just couldn't be bothered anyway. Urghh...I was all sweaty and clammy and sort of managed to sweat myself into dehydration and a state of mild delirium. I know for example, that for a while I was thrashing about moaning out loud about how tight the polls were in North Carolina. When I'm free from this cold and the US election is over I'll have nothing to blog about.



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