Weekend jizz

10/11/2008 07:34:00 pm / The truth was spoken by Rich /

A mélange of sports wagers, current affairs and sexual aspirations have occupied my thoughts today. None of them of any real importance so let's discuss them shall we.

DIY enthusiasts and admirers of ample bouncers may have tuned into the afternoon of Property Ladder repeats on More 4 this afternoon. I find Sarah Beeny to be a formidable sexual opponent and I'm sure you do too.

She's all woman is young Sarah, but I think I'm equal to the challenge - providing of course I have my inhaler with me and some Lucozade tablets handy for afterwards in case my blood sugars nose dive, as the love making promises to be physically quite demanding. She can handle my erections any time that's what I always say...eh eh eh lads? Eh?

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Now then....good new for North Korea. They've finally been removed from America's list of states sponsoring terrorism. They didn't go as far as to explain why they were on it in the first place though.

Who in the name of all things that explodes, have North Korea sponsored? They don't have any money at all. They don't have the scratch to sponsor the cubs during bob-a-job week let alone contribute to the vast networks of Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah.

The North Korean textile industry have only just started using the Spinning Jenny and Flying Shuttle. The notion that they're on the cusp of developing a nuclear weapon is a bit paranoid to say the least.

During my research today I came across this picture of the Korean peninsula at night. South Korea is lit up like a Christmas tree as any developed nation is at night, but North Korea is shrouded in darkness apart from a tiny localised region which I assume is Pyonyang.

If they don't have the power or technology to light their streets I don't think America has to worry about them educating the various rogue states on nuclear weapons development.

Why such an aggressive policy towards them though if it's not because of the potential threat they pose to Merca? I think it's because George W. Bush never really forgave CBS for cancelling M*A*S*H in 1983 and has decided to take it out on North Korea. In real terms it's more justification than he felt he needed to invade Iraq. Only a few months now though.

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Sports wagers today have been successful. An intriguing punt on the Blue Square Conference North following a tip from young Paul which was included in a double with the New Jersey Devils' game last night has afforded me a few re-buys at the Fox on Monday and financed a cheeky double this evening which I hope will see Jerry beat the Russians and San Jose beat the L.A. Kings.

As we speak Germany are 1-0 up so that's encouraging and I really can't see San Jose having too much trouble against the woeful Kings. Famous last words and all, but L.A. are a bottom feeding mess and San Jose are more than likely going to exceed 100 points for the fourth consecutive season.

There were a few juicy looking 2/5 shots in the NHL tonight, but as San Jose have Jeremy Roenick on their roster I let sentiment sway me. At the age of 38 he is still contributing despite his face and body being rebuilt throughout his career from titanium and various carbon compositites. He was my favourite Blackhawk when I started getting into the sport. I loved how he would regularly have his face shattered by pucks and still smile about it.

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