
10/26/2008 01:43:00 pm / The truth was spoken by Rich /

So last night I adjust the clock on my Mac and iPhone as we're now on GMT again and my life will now be shrouded in darkness for a good six months, but when I wake up this afternoon, I find said clocks are both an hour behind all the other clocks in the land!? What in the name of fuck is going on here then?

I make inquiries and the clocks did indeed go back 1 hour at 1am October 26th. I can only assume that after adjusting my Apple clocks manually, they then went and adjusted themselves automatically too. Silly me, for not allowing my Appletrons to take care of this sort of thing on their own. I was confused, but it was no less than I deserved.

It's the Pigeons quiz tonight and lordy we better win. My mummy made me a roast dinner today - it was lamb and it was covered in mints sauce which makes me crazy. As we speak I'm getting my learn on. By tonight I'll know fucking everything...except what time it is.



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