
8/11/2008 04:26:00 pm / The truth was spoken by Rich /

Never much of a fan of Metallica to be fair to them, but I do like this video as there are some beautiful moments in it which restore ones faith in the human spirit particularly as this was filmed in Moscow.

Usually when heavy metal dudes perform in the Eastern block countries or communist states the legions of security, which are usually the army, all stand there completely impassive. Probably scared that if they show any hint of emotion their superior officers will cart them off, tie them up with piano wire and shoot them.

There's a couple of examples in this video of soldiers who've clearly decided to fuck the consequences and are having the time of their lives. One dude after about a minute and a half into the video can be seen sat on top of the shoulders of crowd members, he's lost his hat, undone his tunic and clearly allowing a whole life time of feeling to flood from his body.

Is there anything more beautiful people than the human soul escaping from within the prison of the impassive facade of an emotionless communist? It chokes me up, more so than seeing a puppy chasing a butterfly in a meadow or something.

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